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I've downloaded my report, can I invite more Raters?

Participants, Leadership 360°, Classroom 360°

How do I invite Participants?

Admins, Leadership 360°, Classroom 360°

If I pay by card, can I get a receipt?

Admins, Participants, Payment

One of my Raters can't sign in

Participants, Leadership 360°

Do I need to complete the Action Plan?

Participants, Leadership 360°, Classroom 360°

I can't sign in

Admins, Participants, Raters

Can I invite more than one rater at a time?

Participants, Leadership 360°

When do Raters leave their comments?

Admins, Participants, Leadership 360°, Classroom 360°

Can I type into my Action Plan online?

Participants, Leadership 360°, Classroom 360°

Can I add more raters at a later date?

Participants, Leadership 360°, Classroom 360°

How do I choose my Raters?

Participants, Leadership 360°

How do I save my Excel spreadsheet as a CSV?

Admins, Participants, Leadership 360°, Classroom 360°