I've downloaded my report, can I invite more Raters?

No - in order to preserve anonymity, once you have closed the feedback session for your 360°, you may not add any more Raters. Any Raters that had not completed their feedback will no longer be able to do so.

Please DO NOT close your feedback session until you are happy with the number of responses you receive. If you want to hurry things along, you can always re-send your Rater invitations.

Last updated: May 2022

I've downloaded my report - can I reopen the session to allow another rater to finish?

Unfortunately not - otherwise raters' anonymity could be compromised (by comparing scores before and after they complete). This is why it is made clear before you download your report that the session cannot be reopened.

Last updated: May 2022

My reset password link doesn't work

Your reset password link is time-sensitive. After an hour it will expire and you'll see a message telling you that the "token is invalid". Please use the 'Forgotten your password?' link again and use your new reset password immediately.

Last updated: May 2022

How do I invite Participants?

Last updated: May 2022

If I pay by card, can I get a receipt?

Yes. We use the online payment processor Stripe, who should issue you with an emailed receipt immediately after paying. If that is not sufficient, please contact us. Please note that any publicly registered organisation like a school can register with us and receive invoices directly.

Last updated: May 2022

Do I need to complete the Action Plan?

The Action Plan forms part of most 20Q reports. Ask your Facilitator if they need you to complete the Action Plan as part of the follow up from completing your 20Q Leadership 360°. Even if they do not, you may wish to do it anyway to gain full value from the experience.

Last updated: May 2022

Can I invite more than one student rater at a time?


You can import any number of email addresses in a CSV file — or, if you aren't using emails for your student invitations, you can generate new codes at any time.

Last updated: May 2022

How do I purchase tools for my organisation?

If your organisation is already registered with us

  • Sign into your account, go to the shop and order new tools. They will immediately appear in your account.

If your organisation is new to us

  • You need to register your organisation and provide its postal address and the administrator's email address. To do this, go to the shop, order the licences you need and when prompted say the licences are not for your personal use. As part of the sign up process, you will then be taken to a page where you can add your organisation's details. Alternatively, contact us as [email protected]
  • We will review your order and allocate you access to the appropriate tools. After we have successfully received payment for your first order we will upgrade your account so that you can order and acquire tools immediately (as in step 1)

Last updated: May 2022

Can I have more than one Administrator?

Yes — it's very normal that an organisation has more than one Administrator. If you would like us to add additional Administrators to your organisation, please email us at [email protected] with the names and email addresses of the people you would like added.

Last updated: May 2022

One of my Raters can't sign in

That's ok - Raters don't need to sign in! Raters complete their feedback by following the unique link included in their invitation email. You can re-send their invitation by clicking the yellow Re-send button on your Raters page.

Last updated: May 2022

I can't sign in

If you can't sign in, please check you are using the email address you were registered with. If you still can't sign in, click the 'Forgotten your password?' link on the sign in page and follow the instructions to reset your password.

PLEASE NOTE: if you are acting as a Rater, you do not need to sign in. You will receive an email with a unique link to click. If you haven't received your invitation email, please check your spam folders and / or contact the person who has asked you to rate them. They will be able to re-send the email to you.

Last updated: May 2022

Can I invite more than one rater at a time?

Yes. You can import any number of email addresses in a CSV file.

Last updated: May 2022

When do Raters leave their comments?

Many of our Leadership 360° and Classroom 360° reports contain pages dedicated to comments from raters. These comments are collected from the raters after they have answered all the other questions in the questionnaire.

Last updated: May 2022

Can I type into my Action Plan online?

We are afraid the answer is not yet - but it is coming soon! For now you can print out the report PDF and write in your comments.

Last updated: May 2022

Can I add more raters at a later date?

Yes! You can add more raters at any time until you close your feedback session. Click on 'View Raters' and then the green 'Add Rater' button.

Last updated: May 2022

Can I invite more than one participant at a time?

Yes. You can import any number of email addresses in a CSV file.

Last updated: May 2022

How do I choose my Raters?

Your raters are people who see you at work — ideally who see you in a leadership position. They may be senior, parallel to or junior to you. They may be from a former place of work, and don't have to be employed by your organisation. Although there is a temptation to invite only those most friendly to you, your report will have more value if raters are drawn from a wide cross-section.

You need a minimum of 3 to gain a report though we recommend you select between 5 and 10. They will receive an email with all the information they need, though it is a courtesy to check in advance that they are happy to do this for you. Fortunately you can reassure your raters that with just 20 questions to score, the whole process really doesn't take very long.

Last updated: May 2022

How do I save my Excel spreadsheet as a CSV?

Open your spreadsheet and go to File > Save as... Change the file format to .csv and continue to save the file as normal.

CSV files should contain a single column of email addresses without a heading row.

Last updated: May 2022

Can't find the answer?

If you can't find the answer you're looking for, please use our contact form to ask and we'll reply directly.

You can also use the contact form to report anything that you think is broken.

Contact Us