Leadership 360° /
Get leadership insights from all around you
Leadership 360° is an online tool that you can use to gather feedback from the people you work with now, as well as those you’ve worked with in the past.
Answer Questions
Complete a quick and easy questionnaire — it works on mobile, tablet and desktop computers, so you can do it anywhere.
Invite Raters
Invite your colleagues (past and present) to answer those same questions about you. The whole process is fast and straight-forward.
Get Your Report
Once at least 3 raters have completed their questionnaires, you can download the report and start learning from your results.
Leadership 360° Versions /
Team Leader
Executive Head
Assistant Headteacher
Deputy Headteacher
Deputy Principal
Senior Leader
Middle Leader
Clerk to Governors
Chair of Governors
Leadership 360° is for business and education — afterall, leaders are everywhere
- If you work in one of these roles — or you're training to be in one — we have a Leadership 360° ready and waiting for you.
- You can choose which version you want to use once you've bought a licence.
- Leadership 360° is a straightforward and affordable way for teachers to support their own CPD.
- There are no setup fees — you pay per single or double licence.
- Your Leaderhsip 360° report is available as soon as your raters complete their online questionnaires.
Do you want to tailor the questions to match the needs of your organisation?
- We can create custom versions of Leadership 360° — we can use your own questions or we can develop them with you.
- We can create a new version within a few working days — it all depends how much customisation of the existing system is required.
- If you'd like your own custom version, we'll create it for free when you place an order for 20 licences or more.
Inside Your Report /
Summary of scores
Averages, highest, lowest, and a comparison table of all your scores
Rater comments
Reviewing your strengths as well as any areas for further improvement
Reflective pages
Explore what you're doing well and where you could develop
Action plans
Convert your results into changes that will make you a better leader
You'll get a sample report when you try the free demo.
What You Need To Know /
Who is Leadership 360° for?
Leadership 360° is for leaders of all kinds — you might already be in a leadership position, you might be training to become a leader, you might be changing roles, organisation or about to work with new people.
If you to become a better leader and do the best job you can for the people you work with, Leadership 360° is for you.
What is Leadership 360°?
Leadership 360° is a 360° feedback tool — sometimes called a 360° diagnostic — that you can use to gather feedback from the people you work with now, as well as those you've worked with in the past.
360° feedback is a review process that involves asking all the people you work with to give feedback on your performance as a professional.
360° feedback differs to an appraisal from a line-manager, in that the feedback comes from all around you — not just one person — that's why it's called 360° feedback.
What technology will I need?
Leadership 360° works on all devices — mobiles, tablets and desktops.
You and your raters will need an email address to receive questionnaire invitations.
What will I get from the experience?
- Become more self-aware by completing a process of reflection
- Learn how your perceptions compare with those of the people you work with — see where there are similarities and differences in opinion
- Gather evidence and knowledge of any areas for development
- Appreciate your strengths and grow in self-confidence
- Demonstrate your own Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
How do I get started?
Create an account for yourself or your organisation.
"Very easy to set up and use. Quick turn around for the report which was comprehensive and easy to understand. "
"Quick and easy process with clear results."
"Effective, well laid out and easy to use and understand."
"It was really useful and helped me to grow as a leader. I was able to identify my areas for development each time I used it and see where I had improved. It was also good to see that I had a good idea of where I was and that this matched up with the other teachers in my school."
"The website was easy to use and the questions set were clearly related to leadership styles and were clear in what they were asking. The questionnaire was easy for participants to fill out and the results were displayed in a clear and concise format allowing me to analyse them for my own purposes. i would definitely recommend 20Q."Polly Sanders
Our customers tell us we're great ![heart]()
"Leadership 360° enabled our organisation to fulfil our desire to embed a culture of reflective learning across the staff. Allowing participants to gain honest and anonymous feedback from their staff and peers has led to performance management meetings to have greater relevance and CPD plans reflecting the needs of both the individual and organisation."

- 100s of organisations across the UK use our tools to take control of their professional development.
- 1000s of participants have used our 360° feedback tools to collect and understand feedback from the people they work with.
- 10,000s of raters have used Leadership 360° and Classroom 360° to provide feedback to their leadership teams, managers, peers, teachers, ex-colleagues and mentors.
- Complete a process of self review and analysis
- Get anonymous feedback from your team
- Identify your strengths and areas for development
From £40 per person
- Get feedback from your students about their lessons
- Track your continuing development over time
- Improve engagement and learning in the classroom
From £100 per year
- The perfect starting point for professional development
- Understand yourself and your team better
- Get valuable insights in less than 15 minutes
Only £15 per person