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How do I choose my Raters?

Last updated: 1 year ago

Your raters are people who see you at work — ideally who see you in a leadership position. They may be senior, parallel to or junior to you. They may be from a former place of work, and don't have to be employed by your organisation. Although there is a temptation to invite only those most friendly to you, your report will have more value if raters are drawn from a wide cross-section.

You need a minimum of 3 to gain a report though we recommend you select between 5 and 10. They will receive an email with all the information they need, though it is a courtesy to check in advance that they are happy to do this for you. Fortunately you can reassure your raters that with just 20 questions to score, the whole process really doesn't take very long.

Participants, Leadership 360°