Our customers give us an average of 4.4 stars

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We've had 1474 customer ratings

Star Star Star Star Star 47%
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We survey all participants and ask them about their experience with 20Q tools. Our tools have been used by over 50,000 people.

All participant names and reviews published with permission.

Star Star Star Star Star
"Very simple process"
NPQEL, Leadership 360°
Star Star Star Star Star
"Initially, it was a great tool to reflect on my experience and of what staff thought I did well and similarly what I could improve on. I used this to shape my next steps going forward, it was clear that because of my role, my experience dealing with whole school budgets etc, was limited to so I made a real effort to address this at every opportunity. Looking at the collation of the second 360, it was evident that I had made progress in the eyes of others and now feel far more confident in going forward. I will focus on the positives and continue to make them a strength and similarly work on those areas I need to develop. I found this to be an amazing tool for self reflection."
NPQH, Leadership 360°
Star Star Star Star Star
"very clearly presented. I like the different formats so you can think about the results from different perspectives. Very useful questions at the end to continue thinking."
Dawn Cook NPQSL, Leadership 360°
Star Star Star Star Star
"I felt the whole system was very efficient - from the invitation process to receiving updates on the surveys and the report. I found the format of the report very useful, especially being able to identify easily areas to be addressed and areas of strength. I especially found the comparative section very helpful, as it helped me to see myself through the eyes of the survey participants as a middle leader."
Rifet Purveen-Karim NPQML, Leadership 360°
Star Star Star Star
"This process provided me with appropriate information to help me develop my leadership skills. "
NPQML, Leadership 360°
Star Star Star Star
"Helpful and interesting to see what others think of my leading style"
NPQML, Leadership 360°