Our customers give us an average of 4.4 stars

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We've had 1478 customer ratings

Star Star Star Star Star 47%
Star Star Star Star Star 46%
Star Star Star Star Star 5%
Star Star Star Star Star 1%
Star Star Star Star Star 1%

We survey all participants and ask them about their experience with 20Q tools. Our tools have been used by over 50,000 people.

All participant names and reviews published with permission.

Star Star Star Star Star
"It is an excellent tool to use to reflect on your own practice. It also provides the opportunity for insight into how the selected raters see you in your role . "
Gainor Patch NPQML, Leadership 360°
Star Star Star Star Star
"Very easy to use and imformative."
Stewart Murdoch NPQH, Leadership 360°
Star Star Star Star Star
"Great experience and reflective exercise"
Simon Underwood NPQH, Leadership 360°
Star Star Star Star Star
"Useful tool - clearly presented and explained. "
Sam Atkinson NPQEL, Leadership 360°
Star Star Star Star Star
"Simple to access, clear to read and complete. "
Sarah Watson NPQH, Leadership 360°
Star Star Star Star Star
"I found the report extremely insightful. It was very interesting to see the difference between where I consider myself compared to others regarding my leadership skills. Definitely have plenty of room to grow and hope that the leadership course I have enrolled on helps me to do so."
Liam Cobley NPQML, Leadership 360°