Our customers give us an average of 4.4 stars

Star Star Star Star Star

We've had 1474 customer ratings

Star Star Star Star Star 47%
Star Star Star Star Star 46%
Star Star Star Star Star 5%
Star Star Star Star Star 1%
Star Star Star Star Star 1%

We survey all participants and ask them about their experience with 20Q tools. Our tools have been used by over 50,000 people.

All participant names and reviews published with permission.

Star Star Star Star Star
"A useful and easy to access tool to analyse and develop my skills. Thank you."
Sam Hargood NPQSL, Leadership 360°
Star Star Star Star Star
"Easy to use and extremely informative. "
Katy Pattinson NPQML, Leadership 360°
Star Star Star Star
"Easy to navigate and quick to fill in."
NPQSL, Leadership 360°
Star Star Star Star Star
"It was very clear and provided good feedback"
NPQSL, Leadership 360°
Star Star Star Star
"Really helpful! I like how it shows me the things I scored more on and those which I scored less on- something to work towards. It is a well laid out document and I appreciate the visuals. "
Stephanie Plant NPQML, Leadership 360°
Star Star Star Star
"Ease of use."
NPQH, Leadership 360°